The past three years has seen the nation grapple with some big issues — the Covid-19 global pandemic, a cost of living crisis, rising inflation, a nationwide housing shortage and multiple extreme weather events.

We may live in an idyllic part of the country, but we are not immune from these factors or their effects here in Central Otago and the Upper Clutha.

It is four months out from the 2023 general election and political parties are already on the campaign trail, telling us what they think we want to hear. There is information coming from all spheres — not all of it helpful.

It can be hard to sort through all of the noise to get the information that really matters, to understand what impact potential political decisions will have on life here in the regions and to feel informed enough to make a choice.

That is why we are bringing you Your Vote 2023 — a series of stories giving facts, information and extensive news coverage about the election and the important issues.
On October 14 you get to have your say on the things that matter to you — your vote counts.

Doing election year differently

Updating details as the election approaches

Maori have electoral roll choice

How are our electorates shaped