Stage three of Maniototo Area School’s $11 million rebuild is set to open ahead of schedule with staff moving into the new administration building before the start of term four.

The building will house the school office, staff room, teachers work room, board room, interview room, sick bay, and offices, along with the Maniototo Community Library.

The library will have a separate entrance for the public.

Stage one of the project — the school’s technology block and design hub — opened last year, followed by stage two, the senior classroom block.

Stage four — the junior classroom block — is expected to be completed March next year.

Concept plan . . . A 3D drawing of Maniototo Area School’s new administration block. The building is stage three of the schools $11million rebuild. IMAGE: BAKER GARDEN ARCHITECTS

Principal Joe Ferdinands said he was ‘‘really delighted’’ to be able to move in to the administration block earlier than anticipated.

The original completion date was set for December.

‘‘Right now we are looking at furniture and stuff,’’ he said.

The previous school buildings were tired and difficult to maintain and the new buildings were more conducive to teaching and learning as pupils and teachers were more comfortable.

‘‘Even a new coat of paint couldn’t take the tiredness of these old buildings. It will restore the mana of the school — we are proud of this new building, I mean, we love to show them off.’’

Mr Ferdinands hoped the new buildings would eventually translate to more pupils staying in the region to complete their school rather than leaving to study elsewhere in their senior years.

‘‘We do understand there’s tradition … but having said all that the amount of opportunities the kids get here in senior school is huge.’’