After an eight-year hiatus, Golden Golf has made its way back to Cromwell, giving a boost to young rowers in the process.

The Aikten Joinery Lions Golden Golf Charity Tournament will tee off at the Cromwell Golf Club on November 12, the proceeds going to the Cromwell Rowing Club.

Golden Golf had been a staple on the calendar since the 1980s, but had been on the backburner more recently.

The Lions Club decided to resurrect the fundraiser for 2023 and the rowing club was selected to benefit.

The Cromwell Golf Club came to the party to help and local business Aikten Joinery stepped up to be naming sponsor.

Proceeds from the tournament will go towards a new boat for the rowing club — boats range from about $16,000 for a single to more than $40,000 for a quad.

Lions Club president Russ Fowler said the plan was to aim for a single boat, then move to the next size up if they exceeded that amount.

‘‘We are well on the way to getting either a quad or a single and double boat. The rowing club are yet to decide,’’ he said.

The new boat would be a big help for the fledgling club, Cromwell Rowing Club president Greg Thomson said.

‘‘From the club’s point of view, it’s a small club.

‘‘We just couldn’t do it for ourselves so we’re incredibly grateful to Lions, Aikten and the golf club because the cost of a rowing boat is incredibly expensive.

‘‘As we say, it’s for our youth, but great to have our whole community supporting us.’’

The boats would help the club to be more competitive on the water. Many of its boats were second-hand and replaced only every four to five years.

That was tough when coming up against schools who replaced their boats every year, Mr Thomson said.

‘‘There’s two things that keeps kids in sports — doing it well and having fun. If you’re doing both then that’s better.’’