TWO district councils have teamed up to hold a workshop to foster collaboration and innovation in their communities.

Central Otago District Council and Queenstown Lakes District Council, along with Inspiring Communities, are holding a workshop tomorrow in Cromwell for community groups, iwi, businesses and social sector organisations keen to build new relationships and grow a culture of shared learning and connection across their communities.

Speakers for the day will be Sylvia Cheuy, from Canada, and Anna Parker, from Dunedin.

Ms Cheuy, the Tamarack Institute’s Learning Centre consulting director of collaboration and collective impact, is on a speaking tour around New Zealand.

She has spent more than 20 years as a change-maker and champion of multi-sector, citizen-led change efforts.

She believes residents are the single greatest untapped resource and communities are strengthened when community groups, sector and organisations leaders innovate together to generate creative solutions to problems.

Ms Parker has diverse experience of community development from working on peace-building efforts with indigenous women leaders in Bougainville (PNG) to activating the community-led vision for North Dunedin’s Valley Project.

Youth development is a particular passion and she has worked to build processes with young people to improve the way groups and organisations worked with them.

Anyone interested in the workshop, which will be from 9.30am to 3.30pm at the Cromwell and Districts Presbyterian Church, in Cromwell, can buy tickets at . For information contact Marie Day at QLDC.