Patients and their whanau now have a place of quiet reflection at Dunstan Hospital in Clyde.

The pergola in the garden near the palliative care unit at Dunstan Hospital was instigated by Alexandra and Districts Lions Club member Ron Lamb, who volunteers at the hospital and was driving an ambulance to Dunedin the day the pergola was officially handed over, fellow club member Barry McCall said.

Mr Lamb noticed there was a lovely garden but nowhere for people to sit so, with the help of Alexandra businesses, the Lions club built the pergola.

Hospital chief executive Kathy du Luc said the pergola was a great addition for people be able to enjoy the grounds in the shade at a stressful time.

‘‘Patients and whanau can come out and take a moment. We all want to do what we can to make the journey easier.’’

Dunstan Hospital was a community hospital and support from community groups such as Lions was just fantastic, Dr du Luc said.

All funding for the hospital was needed for the delivery of care and extras from the community, such as the pergola, strengthened links between the two, she said.