More than 200 keen gardeners gathered in Ranfurly on Saturday to share experiences, listen to speakers and visit five gardens in the area.

The biennial event, known as Kindred Day, is hosted by a different club each time, this time the Maniototo Garden Club. It attracted garden club representatives from Lower Waitaki to Gore, with a strong line-up from Central Otago clubs.

TeaÂ’s up . . . Keeping thirsts quenched at Kindred Day were (from left) Joan Levido, Wendy Kearney, Alison Duncan and Lorraine Spence.

Club president Raylene Hansen was delighted with the attendance, while attendees voted the day a huge success and a welcome return of the event, which had been postponed several times because of Covid.

Guest speaker was New Zealand Gardener editor Jo McCarroll, who reflected on the content of the magazine since its launch in 1944, saying old issues ‘‘painted a picture of the way people were gardening’’ and drew laughter describing how DDT was once considered ‘‘good for your family’s health’’ indoors and outside.

On tour . . . Gore Garden Club members Anne Thornley (left) and Fay Graves at one of the Ranfurly gardens they visited on Saturday.

Maniototo Garden Club life member Jane Falconer spoke of the challenges of gardening in the area’s harsh climate and of the development of her wellknown property, Clachanburn.

Cheryl Rutherford, of Wainui in the Ida Valley, was presented with a life membership badge for her many years of service as a committee member, including five years as Maniototo Garden Club secretary, and as a daffodil judge.