Dunstan High School pupil Jaedyn McKenzie is sporting a fresh new ‘‘do’’ after cutting his locks last week.

The 15-year-old cut his mullet as a fundraiser for Maddox Gale (9), who is undergoing cancer treatment in Christchurch.

About 200 people gathered at the Alexandra District Club for a fundraising auction for Maddox, organised by the club.

The night was capped off by Jaedyn’s big cut.

Before the start of the event Jaedyn reached his fundraising goal of $2000, but after the evening’s auction finished, the stakes were raised and four others stepped up to cut their hair, too — for a price including Maddox’s two brothers, Dylan and William.

Hayden Clarke getting his hair cut for Maddox – but paid $300 to keep his moustache. PHOTO: SHANNON THOMSON

Hayden Clarke happily had his hair cut, but paid $300 to keep his moustache.

The combined effort doubled Jaedyn’s fundraising total to more than $4000 and in combination with the auction, more than $30,000 was raised.

Jaedyn said it was ‘‘pretty awesome’’ to have been able to support Maddox and he was ‘‘blown away’’ by the others stepping up to have their hair cut, too.

Jaedyn’s generosity did not end there — his newly cut hair has been sent to Dunedin to be made in to wigs for people with cancer.

Dylan Gale, Maddox’s older brother, cuts Jaedyn’s hair. PHOTO: SHANNON THOMSON