Planting of native plants at Oven Hill Creek this month by Millers Flat School pupils is a way to get more people involved, Teviot Valley Water Care president Austin Garden says.
    Mr Garden, who runs 10,000 sheep, cattle and deer on his 2500ha Avenel Station, said the group was made up primarily of Teviot Valley farmers but wanted to get other residents of the valley involved.
    Schoolchildren, aided by group members and locals, planted 85 native plants provided by Otago Fish and Game, adding to more than 100 natives they had previously planted.

Caring for land and water . . . Teviot Valley Water care member Deirdre Perkins and Millers Flat School pupil Yogeeta Maisuria (11) planta native beside Oven Hill Creek.

    Mr Garden said the area was fortunate in that it had good water quality but it was important to keep it that way.
    ‘‘We’re not perfect but there are no major issues we need to deal with, although we still have some minor issues with water quality,’’ he said.
    Getting the schoolchildren involved helped spread the importance of water quality, he said.
    ‘‘It makes the kids aware so they can do their bit as well.’’