Red Frogs, a support programme for young people aged 15-25, has released its top 10 tips for teens and parents ahead of New Year’s Eve celebrations in Queenstown Lakes district.

Some practical suggestions include staying in groups in well-lit areas, never leaving a drink unattended, having a charged phone, and being careful of what was posted on social media.

Parents were encouraged to make sure teenagers had key numbers and addresses in their phone – of the accommodation, local taxi service, friends’ parents, and in the event of an emergency, to call 111.

Red Frogs has an allocated chillout zone at the Village Green in Queenstown (December 29-31) and the Wanaka Skate Park (December 29-30), before moving to the Wanaka lakefront on December 31.

The support-based charity co-ordinated volunteers who walk around highly populated events and hand out lollies and water.

At their chill zones, volunteers also offer free pancakes and open, non-judgemental conversations.

Top 10 tips for New Year’s

1. Never leave a mate behind! Always stay in groups of two or more and stay in well-lit areas.

2. Respect accommodation providers and their rules.

3. Never leave your drink unattended and never accept drinks from others.

4. Ask ‘‘R U OK’’ every day. While New Year’s Eve represents the excitement of new beginnings, it can be an emotional and stressful time, so make sure you are checking in with your friends every day.

5. Charge your phone. If you get separated from your friends head to the Red Frogs chillout zones in the centre of Queenstown and Wanaka.

6. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy meals.

7. Check in with your parents throughout the week.

8. Be careful what you post on social media. Once a photo is out there, it’s out there forever.

9. Know your boundaries and stick to them.

10. Save key numbers and addresses in your phone – your accommodation, local taxi service, your friend’s parents — but call 111 in an emergency.