As summer approaches and the usual peak demand for staff is multiplied by recent Covid woes, Central Otago District Council has launched a campaign to help employers attract and secure staff.

Called Central Mahi, the campaign promotes jobs through employer›created videos, and provides support to help place potential employees into roles. It aims to fill seasonal roles, attract individuals to undertake specific projects, or provide opportunities for people to experience workplaces and consider a permanent role in each industry. It is free for employers to take part in.

‘‘Employers across all sectors are really struggling to find staff,’’ economic development manager Nick Lanham said.

‘‘Central Mahi promotes Central Otago work opportunities to potential employees across the lower South Island using employer-created short, engaging videos.’’

Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan said staff shortages affected the entire community and there were ways everyone could help find a solution.

‘‘If you can’t take on work yourself, can you spread the word to others who are looking for work, or maybe you have a spare room to take in a friend or family member from outside the district,’’ he said.

The first step of the campaign involves employers registering on the council website and creating videos.