Hundreds of movers and shakers converged on the Wanaka Recreation Centre on Saturday for the annual Upper Clutha Sports Festival.

The festival gives clubs the opportunity to showcase activities, promote events and encourage new members.

More than 20 clubs took part in this year’s festival, with about 200 people through by mid-morning and more expected as the day progressed.

The festival usually drew about 500 people, volunteers said.

‘‘It’s a really fun event with the community,’’ volunteer Mylrea Bell said.

‘‘It is a day for the community to get together and celebrate all the sporting and recreational opportunities in the area.

‘‘This is the seventh festival we have done. It would have been more but Covid got in the way. But it just gets bigger and brighter every year. It is fantastic,’’ Diana Schikker said.

‘‘It is all about informing, connecting, educating and bringing the whole community together and sharing what is represented in the sports sector,’’ Bronwyn Coers said.

Many young people showed off their sporting prowess, competitive natures and enthusiasm for learning new skills.

Activities included a trampolining display, dance performances, and outdoor games.

Participants had the opportunity to shoot basketball and netball hoops, play squash with a tennis ball and trial gymsports equipment, trampolines, biathlon laser rifles, rowing machines and gym ski machines.

St John officers, volunteers, and cadets were on hand to demonstrate the first aid skills required at sports events.