It was matchmaking of a different kind at the inaugural Cromwell College employment speed meet last week.

More than 100 pupils from the college met with employers in a speed dating-style event, in the hopes of finding an employment match.

Beauty therapy, horticulture, engineering, hospitality, trades and more were on offer for pupils to consider for the summer period — and their longterm future — with some walking away with multiple job offers.

Safesmart Access national distribution manager Ken Powe was one of more than 25 employers meeting pupils.

He was hoping to find pupils keen for work as ‘‘it’s really hard to find staff’’.

‘‘If we can get them started, we can train them up and give them essential skills, and help us out as well.’’

The company was nationwide with international offices so there was potential for pupils to build a lifelong career if they wanted, he said.

For year 12 pupil Courtney Longman, the opportunity to be in the room and meet potential employers was really valuable.

‘‘It’s really helpful because face-to-face is always better,’’ she said.

Assistant principal Sarah Hill said she was pleased with how the event went and hoped it would forge greater links between employers and the school.

‘‘We’ve had a number of students offered jobs today, some of them multi offers so they have some decisions to make . . . which is really exciting.

‘‘We also got some students come along really confused about what they want to do and what pathway they want to take. After having some conversations today they’ve now got a real sense of direction about what they want to do,’’ Ms Hill said.

‘‘The whole point of this afternoon was to set people up for the next steps, whatever that is and however that looks like.’’

The afternoon’s success meant it would become an annual event, she said.

“We’ve had a number of students offered jobs today, some of them multi offers . . . –