Water enthusiasts shrugged off Wanaka’s inversion layer blues and dipped into cool lake water for the resort’s 23rd annual midwinter water-ski and swim at the weekend.

Many people enjoyed the relaxed swim and water-skiing event on Saturday afternoon, helping raise at least $550 for Community Networks/Link.

Ice creams, sausages and hot drinks were available, along with a hot tub.

Midwinter thrills . . . swimmers and water skiers taking part in Wanaka’s 23rd annual midwinter ski and swim fundraiser for Community Networks/Link were organisers Gary Tweedie (left) and Graeme Vallance. PHOTOS: MARJORIE COOK

Organisers and water-skiers Gary Tweedie and Gary Vallance host the annual spark of winter joy on the lake front.

It was devised to provide skiers with something else to do on Treble Cone skifield’s opening day.

Unfortunately, the weather gods have not yet provided enough of the white stuff for back-to-back snow and waterskiing this year.

‘‘We are waiting for that to come, but it will come,’’ Mr Tweedie said.

Midwinter thrills . . . swimmers and water skiers taking part in Wanaka’s 23rd annual midwinter ski and swim fundraiser for Community Networks/Link on June 24, 2023 were Maddie Cooper (7), Indi McFarlane (11) and Hazel McFarlane (7). PHOTOS: MARJORIE COOK

The men were thrilled with the turnout; nine water-skiers and 20 swimmers took to the water before 2pm, and many more took part throughout the day.

The organisers also took their turn performing a slalom duo.

Ollie Crosbie (7) was excited to be the youngest water-skier, beating his friend Hazel McFarlane, who is one month older than Ollie.

Both youngsters were impressive, completing a round of Roys Bay without falling in.

‘‘This is nice . . .It feels much better,’’ Ollie said as he climbed into the spa after water-skiing.

Midwinter thrills . . . swimmers and water skiers taking part in Wanaka’s 23rd annual midwinter ski and swim fundraiser for Community Networks/Link on June 24, 2023 were Nico Pettit (left) and Mikayla Botting, both 14. PHOTOS: MARJORIE COOK