The importance of reading and writing was celebrated throughout Cromwell last week.
    Cromwell Kahui Ako Community of Learning, which encompasses the early learning centres, primary schools and college, held its Literacy Celebration Week, celebrating reading, writing and storytelling.
    Among the activities were visits from authors and illustrators, shared reading times and book character dress-up days.
    Kahui Ako across schools lead teacher Sharyn Jenkins said the week was designed to benefit every child in Cromwell.
    â€˜â€˜Literacy Week is important just to bring awareness for the children around the importance of literacy, not just in writing class and reading class, but how it overall encompasses all their learning.’’
    â€˜â€˜We’re all visiting each other for shared reading, getting the little ones in to the high school, little ones in to the primary school and vice versa, just to share our writing and our reading,’’ Mrs Jenkins said.
    â€˜â€˜It’s the perfect way to get all of our children, all of our students, our whole community together to celebrate something that we all are passionate about — reading and writing.’’